The goal was the same as in 2017 to write 52 posts, one per week. It’s not achived, the are 32, less than 45 in 2017.
The goal was the same as in 2017 to write 52 posts, one per week. It’s not achived, the are 32, less than 45 in 2017.
The command to get document size is Object.bsonsize. The next query is to find the document in a small collection, cause it can be slow:
db.getCollection('my_collection').find({}).map(doc => {
return {_id: doc._id, size: Object.bsonsize(doc)};
}).reduce((a, b) => a.size > b.size ? a : b)
To do this faster with mongo mapReduce:
function() {
emit('size', {_id: this._id, size: Object.bsonsize(this)});
function(key, values) {
return values.reduce((a, b) => a.size > b.size ? a : b);
{out: {inline: 1}}
From the MongoDB side the current connections can be found with db.currentOp() command. Then they can be grouped by client ip, counted and sorted.
var ips = db.currentOp(true).inprog.filter(
d => d.client
d => d.client.split(':')[0]
(ips, ip) => {
if(!ips[ip]) {
ips[ip] = 0;
return ips;
}, {}
key => {
return {"ip": key, "num": ips[key]};
(a, b) => b.num - a.num
The result will be like this:
"ip" : "",
"num" : 77.0
"ip" : "",
"num" : 63.0
"ip" : "",
"num" : 57.0
Then if there are several Docker containers on client host, the connections can be found by netstat
command in each of them.
Suppose there are several MongoDB replicas with ips starting on 44.55...
and 77.88...
the command to count all connections to the replicas is:
netstat -tn | grep -e 44.55 -e 77.88 | wc -l
It’s not mentioned in the docs for Flask-SocketIO that Eventlet has an option max_size
which by default limits the maximum number of client connections opened at any time to 1024
. There is no way to pass it through flask run
so the application should be run with socketio.run
, for example:
if __name__ == '__main__':
socketio.run(app, host='', port='8080', max_size=int(os.environ.get('EVENTLET_MAX_SIZE', 1024)))
Suppose there is a large tasks.py
file, like this:
def task1():
def task2():
A good idea is to split it on the smaller files,
but Celery auto_discover
by default search tasks in package.tasks
module, so one way to do this is to create a package tasks
and import tasks from other files
in __init__.py
from .task1 import task1
from .task2 import task2
__all__ = ['task1', 'task2']
def task1():
from .task1 import task1
def task2():
The @csrf.exempt
method does not work with Resource
methods or decorators, it should be done on Api
Here is an example how to exclude resources from CSRF protection based on class:
def csrf_exempt_my_resource(view):
if issubclass(view.view_class, MyResource):
return csrf.exempt(view)
return view
api_blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__)
api = Api(api_blueprint, title='My API', decorators=[csrf_exempt_my_resource])
Or for all resources:
api_blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__)
api = Api(api_blueprint, title='My Private API', decorators=[csrf.exempt])
I like the idea about separation of business logic from models and views into services. There are more details in these slides from the EuroPython talk.
Usually in Flask-Admin for a new column a new method with @property
decorator is added and the model becomes fat.
Also it’s not good to put something with queries in property. Another way is to put this function to the services and use column formatter in Flask-Admin.
def get_some_data(model_id)
"""Function in services."""
return RelatedModel.objects(model=model_id).count()
class MyModelView(ModelView):
column_formatters = {
'related_model_count': lambda view, context, model, name: get_some_data(model.id)
column_list = [..., 'related_model_count']
With docker-compose it can be done the next way
test: wget --spider --quiet http://localhost:8080/-/health
command: celery worker --app app.celeryapp -n worker@%h --loglevel INFO
test: celery inspect ping --app app.celeryapp -d worker@$$HOSTNAME
Where /-/health
is just a simple route
def health():
return 'ok'
Here is a small script which compares the version of the running service and the version in the docker-compose file, if they are different it runs an update.
REDIS_VERSION=$(docker service ls | grep "redis" | awk '{print $5}')
REDIS_NEW_VERSION=$(grep -Po "image:\s*\Kredis:.*" docker-compose.yml)
docker service update --image $REDIS_NEW_VERSION app_redis
To avoid rebuild of images on each run there is a possibility to use Docker socket binding. It’s covered in the documentation, here is a more detailed example.
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