My current tools
Here is an update for the tools I’m using. The previous record was in 2013.
MacBook Pro 13" 2016 instead of MacBook Air 13" 2012, two external monitors - one through HDMI, second through UGREEN USB to VGA External Video Card Graphic Adapter.
Omnifocus was replaced with Wunderlist and Wunderlist after the sad news - with Todoist, it has all features i want, but part of them in the premium account.
As main editor I use IntelliJ IDEA, because I participate in Scala and Java projects and for everyday Python projects, because of the debug possiblities.
As a second editor for small projects or large files it’s Sublime Text 3 with Material Theme
nvALT for notes I replaced with Write
Alfred to launch apps and workflows as before
Karabiner to map CapsLock to a language switch
iTerm with tmux and Tmuxinator
Sequel Pro for MySQL databases, MongoChef for MongoDB databases, Docker for Mac
SourceTree - GUI for Git and Mercurial
Tomato One to overcome the procrastination