How to update a script with azcopy v7 to v10

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Here is the previous version of the script to transfer containers between storages.

AzCopy v10 has totally different parameters, in fact, it’s another utility that does the same thing. Instead of --source, --dest parameters, it now requires a SAS token.


source_exists=$(az storage container exists --name $CONTAINER_NAME --account-name $SOURCE_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $SOURCE_STORAGE_KEY --output tsv)
if [ $source_exists != "True" ]; then
    echo "Source container does not exist." 1>&2
    exit 1

access_level=$(az storage container show-permission -n $CONTAINER_NAME --account-name $SOURCE_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $SOURCE_STORAGE_KEY --output tsv)
target_exists=$(az storage container exists --name $CONTAINER_NAME --account-name $TARGET_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $TARGET_STORAGE_KEY --output tsv)
if [ $target_exists != "True" ]; then
    az storage container create --name $CONTAINER_NAME --public-access $access_level --account-name $TARGET_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $TARGET_STORAGE_KEY

expiry=$(python -c "from datetime import datetime, timedelta; print((datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))")
source_sas=$(az storage container generate-sas --name $CONTAINER_NAME --expiry $expiry --permissions lr --account-name $SOURCE_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $SOURCE_STORAGE_KEY -o tsv)
target_sas=$(az storage container generate-sas --name $CONTAINER_NAME --expiry $expiry --permissions aclrw --account-name $TARGET_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $TARGET_STORAGE_KEY -o tsv)
azcopy copy https://$$CONTAINER_NAME?$source_sas https://$$CONTAINER_NAME?$target_sas --recursive 

To run this script in Docker container:


RUN wget -O /tmp/azcopy.tgz \
    && export BIN_LOCATION=$(tar -tzf /tmp/azcopy.tgz | grep "/azcopy") \
    && tar -xzf /tmp/azcopy.tgz $BIN_LOCATION --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin
docker build -t azure-cli .
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/ azure-cli bash

VSCode settings and plugins

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VSCode settings and plugins

It’s almost two years when I switched to VSCode from IntelliJ IDEA. The last license expired in September 2018. Sometimes I switched back to IDEA when there were problems with Python Language Server or pytests discovering, but it did not last long. The IDEA is good, it works well, but it’s too heavy for me, even if I do not restart it often. With VSCode I still have sometimes problems with “Go to Definition”, but most of the time it solves with a simple reload, which takes just several seconds.


Mostly I’m using the settings by default, here are some changes:

How to set environment variables for pytest in VSCode

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To run tests I usually use database with tmpfs volume, sometimes it makes them more than twice faster. To achieve this I run the database on another port and use env variable in application config, like this

docker run -d --name=mongo_test -p 27018:27017 --tmpfs /data/db mongo:4.2.3
MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27018/test_db pytest --cov=app tests

The configuration for env variables in VSCode is simple, you need to place .env file into your project and add "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env" to .vscode/settings.json, reload the window. When you’ll run tests in VSCode, it will use these variables.

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