AppleScript to JavaScript

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A small example how to rewrite make call from AppleScript to JavaScript.

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    make new signature with properties {name: "Signature Name", content: "Best regards, ..."}
end tell
Application("Microsoft Outlook").Signature({name: "Signature Name", content: 'Best regards, ...'}).make();

Microsoft killed Wunderlist

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Sadly, Microsoft is killing Wunderlist, more info in an official blog and on So it’s time to try something else, my requirements:

  • should work on any device
  • possibility to share lists with my family
  • sub projects, minimum two levels
  • possibility to review next and previous weeks
  • possibility to review all tasks
  • developer API

Some of these does not exists in Wunderlist, but covered by, which I created at the end of 2016. The domain is paid till October, so it will continue to work till then. Also I added a view to show all tasks in one place, so they can be easily transfered to TaskPaper.

Migrations for MongoEngine

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A MongoDB collection does not have a strict schema, the documents in one collection can have different fields. But in MongoEngine the schema is provided on an application level and there is a validation. So if you’ll remove a field from the Document and it’s still exists in the database, there will be a mongoengine.errors.FieldDoesNotExist exception. If there is no need in the schema validation, a dynamic schema can be used.

So when there is a strict schema, it’s good to have a tool to make an updates for the documents in the collection when something changes.

Sublime Text freeze

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Recently my Sublime Text has stopped running with freeze on start. I don’t know the cause, but removing of the last session helped.

cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local"
rm *.sublime_session
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